Course curriculum

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    What to expect from this course

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    What happens during pregnancy

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    Important Yoga facts you should now once you are pregnant!

    • Why Should pregnant ladies not lie on their backs

    • Lying on the back during some asanas

    • About sleeping position in pregnancy

    • How a normal spine looks like

    • This gravity line will shift a few times

    • Thoracic Kyphosis in 1st Trimester

    • What you need to know about standing upright during pregnancy

    • What to avoid during pregnancy

    • Flexibility during pregnancy

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    Explanation of the Yoga Postures (Asana Gallery)

    • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog) - Explained

    • Adho Muka Svanasana (Downward facing dog) - to rest brain

    • Adho Mukha Sukhasana (Downward facing easy pose or Adho Mukha Swastikasana) - Explained

    • Adho Mukha Virasana (Downward facing hero) - Explained

    • Anahatasana - Puppy pose

    • Ardha Prasarita Padhotanasana (extended leg stretch) - Explained

    • Ardha Uttanasana (half intensiv stretch) explained

    • Ardha Uttanasana (half intensiv stretch) - with arms on table

    • Ardha Uttanasana (half intensiv stretch) - with chair

    • Bhaddha Konasana

    • Back Bend (Bhishmasana) with sofa

    • Bolster Diaphram release

    • Calves stretch for digestion

    • Chatushpadasana (shoulder bridge)

    • Chatushpadasa (shoulder bridge) Modifications - if u have neck pain

    • Gomukhasana - Explained

    • Hamstring stretch (Padanghustasana) standing - Explained

    • Hamstring stretch (Padanghustasana) standing - Sideways

    • Marichiasana (Twist) - with chair

    • Mahamudra

    • Marjariasana (cat pose) explained

    • Parvatasana - explained

    • Phalakasana - Plank Pose

    • Piriformis stretch explained

    • Piriformis stretch - with chair

    • Setu Bhandasana - With bolster

    • Supta Baddha Konasana - Explained

    • Supta Baddha Konasana - with high bolster

    • Sukhasana (easy pose) - twist

    • Savasana - explained

    • Supta Padanghustasana

    • Supta Padanghustasana (Parshva)

    • Shoulderblade squeeze

    • Tadasana - Explained

    • Tadasana - For the three trimesters

    • Tadasana Variartions - Calves & Urdhavahastasana

    • Trikonasana (triangle pose) - Explained

    • Upavistakonnasana

    • Ustrasana - Camel Pose - with chair

    • Utthita Parshvakonasana - Explained

    • Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose) - Creating space for the baby

    • Vanarasana - Lounge Pose

    • Vanarasana - how to come out savely

    • Viparita Karani

    • Virabadrasana 1 with variations

    • Virabhadrasana - using chair to support legs

    • Virasana

    • Virasana -twist

    • Vyaghrasana - Tiger Pose

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    Common problems during pregnancy and solutions

    • Common problems & areas of focus while doing yoga

    • Common mistakes to be avoided while sitting and standing up

    • Avoid coming up like this

    • Upper back Pain

    • Neck Pain

    • Back Pain in general

    • Lower back & pelvic pain

    • Painful Arches

    • Wrist pain & Carpal tunnel syndrom

    • Piriformis Sciatica Pain

    • Tight Psoas muscles

    • Gastrointestinal problems

    • Weak Quadriceps & Gluteus

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    Yoga Nidra

    • Yoga Nidra Explained

    • Yoga Nidra Meditation

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    Guided meditation

    • Why meditation is of benefit during pregnancy

    • Meditation by Viviana

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    Yoga sessions to practice

    • Yoga class -1 - Tanja

    • Yoga class -2 - Tanja

    • Pranayama Practice

    • Yoga class - 1 -Viviana

    • Yoga class - 2 - Viviana

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    The End...

    • Thanx for your participation